
PURPOSE: To defend, within the maximum allowable extent of the Fund’s 501(c)(3) charter, the legal status of falconry and the perpetual access to species and habitats required by those who practice it.
Support on an annual granting RFP basis qualified individuals or organizations (or provide with its own private efforts) to conduct educational meetings and prepare or distribute educational materials or briefs on specific public policy issues related to the practice of falconry as a cultural heritage or to the need for maintaining reasonable free access by falconers to the wildlife resources and habitats necessary for its practice.
Strictly applying the IRS standard for acceptable “lobbying” by 501(c)(3) organizations, to support individuals or agencies to engage with key public policy groups and actors on behalf of falconry to positively affect the development of legislation or agency regulation promoting the right to legally practice the cultural heritage of falconry; to support its practice as a civil right; and to respond to and oppose any policy, legislation or agency regulation that may be damaging to falconry, as determined by the Falconry Fund, Inc.
- Help State clubs or associations with legal issues or law re-writes
- Support North American Falconers Association (NAFA) and other raptor based organizations to go to conferences (Wildlife Society conferences, etc.). Help them have a seat at the table.

- Supporting an annual or bi-annual conference with NAFA, The Falconry Fund, and The Archives – A strategic meeting.

- Fostering conferences for state clubs to learn how to be better leaders — how to run a more efficient club or association

- Working with our partners and NAFA to normalize peregrine take
- Working with our partners and NAFA to normalize eagle take
- Teaching state clubs how to help fundraising for this fund
- War Chest – maintaining a fund for legal issues